So many people enjoy a nice glass of wine at the end of the day or visit fun breweries with friends on the weekends. Sharing a nice alcoholic beverage can be a great way to connect with the people you love or unwind when you need it. Ever since the dark time of prohibition ended, alcohol distribution has been a huge industry in the United States. If you are looking at becoming a distributor of alcoholic beverages or you already work in the field, there’s a lot to consider to make sure you’re working in the best way.
Because of the effect alcohol has on the human body, there are plenty of rules and regulations around the sale of alcohol. For every beer distributor, wine seller, and maker of liquor, you’ll have to make sure you’re making everything correctly and acting appropriately as a wholesaler. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to the laws and regulations of alcohol distribution.
Alcohol laws vary based on the state.
One of the biggest things to check when you are selling and distributing alcohol is the change in state laws and regulations. There are specific subsections of all state laws that speak to different alcoholic beverages and how you can sell them. For example, some states don’t let you distribute alcohol on Sundays, and others only let you keep a certain amount of product on-site at a certain time. As a supplier, you may be crossing state lines and selling to a variety of people. Make sure you are following the rules of the state you are selling in so you don’t get in trouble later down the line.
Distributors need to be specific and careful about who they sell to.
As an alcoholic beverage distributor, you are working with a variety of different companies and retail organizations. Of course, you are going to make sure you have all your ducks in a row when it comes to the sale of alcoholic beverages, but you’ll also need to be careful about who you are selling to. Check that everyone has the licenses and requirements they need to distribute the beer, wine, or spirits that you are selling to them. Even if they end up breaking a rule or not following the law correctly, you could still end up getting in trouble. Keep everything above board by checking in frequently and encouraging open communication.
Servers and bartenders need to be certified in alcohol safety.
Restaurants, bars, and wholesalers aren’t the only distributors of alcoholic beverages who need proper documentation and licensing. The servers and bartenders at all these locations will need to go through responsible alcohol training that is provided by the state liquor authority. As licensed distributors, they have the responsibility to make sure no one is overserved at their location. This helps keep people safe while covering liability as a distributor. Just like higher education law forces universities to protect their students, liquor laws require restaurant staff to look after their customers. Make sure everyone is licensed and trained the way they need to be for a successful transaction.
Make sure you’re labeling information about all your alcoholic beverages.
There’s a lot of information about the alcohol you’re selling. Every alcoholic beverage comes with a specific ABV and IBU number that you’ll need to communicate as a direct shipper. Be honest and open about the ingredients in your wine, beer, or spirits. Communicate how alcoholic every shot or drink will be so that everyone involved can be responsible and honest with consumers. You work so hard to create great products that taste delicious and will be enjoyed by so many people. Continue to support your customers and retailers by sharing the important details they need for every sale.